Welcome to the Scriptorium, home of *The* Diabolic Tutors!
Welcome to our new abode! The previous occupants of this domain were… unsightly to say the least. So we called upon our diety for aid and help, and through their powers we took over management. We are The (don’t forget to add it) Diabolic Tutors. We love to learn, teach, and help anyone who wants to win more. Through any means necessary. We do not accept payment, but donations of tomes is a great help to us. We also have our “Dark, Demonic, and Odditites” Department. Any artifacts you find amongst your travels fitting any of those descriptions we recommend handing them over to us! We will ensure that they stay in our hands, and out of those who do not know how to use them!
We are waiting for our new branding to be coming over, so until then we will be under construction!
We will be continuing to manage the EDH league that has been going on! All of the blog posts are there if you search leaguenight, quartercup, meta, in the blog search bar you can find different looks.
The Pioneer League has been cut from the roster of events, but we will leave the pages up for historical reference from all of our Tolarian Scholars that visit!