Week 22 (5/24/22)

Game 1 Ryan: Torens | Keegan: Zur | vs. | Sean: Muldrotha | Alex: Korvold First rolls of the night saw an on paper lopsided…

Week 21 (5/10/2022)

Game 1 Ryan: Walls | Keegan: Zur | Sean: Shrines (Nat 20) | Alex: Muldrotha With the monthly slates cleared the Addicts rolled up to…

Q3 Cup (4/30/22)

Game 1 Keegan: Obuun | Ryan: Sygg | Sean: Zur | Alex: Humans We have finally reached the conclusion of the third quarter of play,…

Week 20 (4/26/22)

The Hoof is on Fire Game 1 Sean: Phylath | Ryan: Walls | Keegan: Atla | Alex: Korvold First game of the night we saw…

Week 19 (4/12/22)

Game 1 Sean: Korvold | Ryan: Kami | Keegan: Sygg | Alex: Alela Coming into the final month of the quarter, Keegan is in the…

Week 17 (3/15/22)

This week on Top Addict Game 1 Ryan: Arcades | Keegan: Elenda | Sean: Kami | Alex: Torrens Sean becomes a graveyard attendant. (Ryan Dusked…

Week 16 (3/1/2022)

Game 1 Keegan – Arcades | Sean – Korvold | Ryan – Kaalia | Alex – Kykar I honestly don’t want to write this shit…