Foreward Note This article is written by Keegan, anything in red will be from the Alex, like god dropping sick knowledge (and any links you…
league night
Blogs about league nights
EDH League ’24-’25: Night 4
“This is getting out of hand! Now, there are two of them!” – Nute Gunray Foreward Note This article is written by Keegan, anything in…
EDH League ’24 – ’25: Night 1
The beginning of a new era, the dawning of a new age, demands, sacrifice! – Tzekel-Kan; The Road to Eldorado Foreward Note This article is…
Week 25 (7/5/2022) 2HD
Game 1 Sean: Krenko | Keegan: Walls (Nat 20) | vs. | Ryan: Torens | Alex: Elenda Second to last normal league night brings us…
Week 24 (6/21/22)
Game 1 Ryan: Phylath | Keegan: Torens | Sean: Dragons | Alex: Atla No new faces in the command zone for the first game of…
Week 23 (6/7/2022)
Game 1 Ryan: Walls | Keegan: Jhoira | Sean: Emmara | Alex: Locust God Alex and Sean took their free mulligans, and Sean rolled to…
Week 22 (5/24/22)
Game 1 Ryan: Torens | Keegan: Zur | vs. | Sean: Muldrotha | Alex: Korvold First rolls of the night saw an on paper lopsided…
Week 21 (5/10/2022)
Game 1 Ryan: Walls | Keegan: Zur | Sean: Shrines (Nat 20) | Alex: Muldrotha With the monthly slates cleared the Addicts rolled up to…
Q3 Cup (4/30/22)
Game 1 Keegan: Obuun | Ryan: Sygg | Sean: Zur | Alex: Humans We have finally reached the conclusion of the third quarter of play,…
Week 20 (4/26/22)
The Hoof is on Fire Game 1 Sean: Phylath | Ryan: Walls | Keegan: Atla | Alex: Korvold First game of the night we saw…